Saturday, 16 December 2017

History of Programming Language

Our programming help writers give you complete programming assignment writing services. In the year 1950, the first ever programming language was developed to instruct the computers. Since then, there has been significant development of more than 500 worthy programming languages and it remains a continuous process to design more advanced forms. The short code language proposed by John Mauchly in the year 1951 was different to that of machine code in various aspects. The short code was designed with comprehensible mathematical expressions but was not powerful enough to run faster like machine codes. Auto-code is another significant computer language developed in mid-1950 which automatically converts codes into machine language by using compilers. Our programming language assignment help experts can throw more light on history of programming language.

Our programming language assignment help online also provides knowledge on the stages of programming development. The main models of programming language were developed between the periods of 1960 to 1970.
  • Array programming was introduced by APL which plays a major role in influencing functional programming
  • The structural procedure of programming was refined by ALGOL
  • Object-oriented programming was supported by the machine language Simula
  • C is the most popular system programming language developed in 1970
  • The first ever language of logic programming is considered to be Prolog developed in the year 1972.
Programming assignment help provides complete assistance on programming language.